Top Rated Clinton Movers

Maher Brothers Transfer & Storage Inc
(563) 388-6663
7312 Hancock Ct, Davenport, IA 52806
Argo Moving
(563) 355-1009
3796 State St, Bettendorf, IA 52722
Spiegel Moving & Storage Inc
(309) 762-5503
202 20th St, Moline, IL 61265
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Clinton to other cities in Iowa:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Des Moines204$1030 - $1290
Cedar Rapids88$850 - $1070
Davenport34$770 - $970
Sioux City369$1310 - $1650
Iowa City81$840 - $1050
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How much do movers in Clinton charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Des Moines costs $1030 - $1290, to Cedar Rapids costs $850 - $1070, to Davenport costs $770 - $970, to Sioux City costs $1310 - $1650, to Iowa City costs $840 - $1050, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Clinton to Des Moines
Moving from Clinton to Cedar Rapids
Moving from Clinton to Davenport
Moving from Clinton to Sioux City
Moving from Clinton to Iowa City
Moving from Clinton to Waterloo
Moving from Clinton to Ames
Moving from Clinton to Council Bluffs
Moving from Clinton to West Des Moines
Moving from Clinton to Dubuque
Moving from Clinton to Ankeny
Moving from Clinton to Urbandale
Moving from Clinton to Cedar Falls
Moving from Clinton to Marion
Moving from Clinton to Bettendorf
Moving from Clinton to Marshalltown
Moving from Clinton to Mason City
Moving from Clinton to Burlington
Moving from Clinton to Fort Dodge
Moving from Clinton to Ottumwa
Moving from Clinton to Muscatine
Moving from Clinton to Coralville
Moving from Clinton to Johnston
Moving from Clinton to Waukee
Moving from Clinton to Clive
Moving from Clinton to Altoona
Moving from Clinton to Indianola
Moving from Clinton to Newton
Moving from Clinton to North Liberty
Moving from Clinton to Boone
Moving from Clinton to Oskaloosa
Moving from Clinton to Spencer
Moving from Clinton to Fort Madison
Moving from Clinton to Storm Lake
Moving from Clinton to Keokuk
Moving from Clinton to Pella
Moving from Clinton to Carroll
Moving from Clinton to Waverly