Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Dodge City to other cities in Kansas:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Wichita169$1010 - $1270
Overland Park347$1320 - $1650
Kansas City352$1320 - $1660
Olathe336$1300 - $1630
Topeka289$1220 - $1530
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How much do movers in Dodge City charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Wichita costs $1010 - $1270, to Overland Park costs $1320 - $1650, to Kansas City costs $1320 - $1660, to Olathe costs $1300 - $1630, to Topeka costs $1220 - $1530, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Dodge City to Wichita
Moving from Dodge City to Overland Park
Moving from Dodge City to Kansas City
Moving from Dodge City to Olathe
Moving from Dodge City to Topeka
Moving from Dodge City to Lawrence
Moving from Dodge City to Shawnee
Moving from Dodge City to Manhattan
Moving from Dodge City to Lenexa
Moving from Dodge City to Salina
Moving from Dodge City to Hutchinson
Moving from Dodge City to Leavenworth
Moving from Dodge City to Leawood
Moving from Dodge City to Garden City
Moving from Dodge City to Junction City
Moving from Dodge City to Emporia
Moving from Dodge City to Derby
Moving from Dodge City to Prairie Village
Moving from Dodge City to Hays
Moving from Dodge City to Liberal
Moving from Dodge City to Gardner
Moving from Dodge City to Pittsburg
Moving from Dodge City to Newton
Moving from Dodge City to Great Bend
Moving from Dodge City to McPherson
Moving from Dodge City to El Dorado
Moving from Dodge City to Ottawa
Moving from Dodge City to Andover
Moving from Dodge City to Winfield
Moving from Dodge City to Arkansas City
Moving from Dodge City to Lansing
Moving from Dodge City to Haysville
Moving from Dodge City to Merriam
Moving from Dodge City to Atchison
Moving from Dodge City to Parsons