Top Rated Auburn Movers

Ace Moving
(207) 828-8699
87 Walnut St, Portland, ME 04101
Seabreeze Moving & Trucking
(207) 775-3454
121 Bishop St, Portland, ME 04103
Tucker's & Sons
(207) 761-0193
392 Warren Ave, Portland, ME 04103
Mel's Moving
(207) 773-1528
16 Merrill St, Portland, ME 04101
A & B Moving
(207) 761-0955
1006 Forest Ave, Portland, ME 04103
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Auburn to other cities in Maine:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Portland35$800 - $1000
Bangor100$900 - $1130
South Portland36$800 - $1010
Biddeford50$820 - $1030
Sanford61$840 - $1050
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How much do movers in Auburn charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Portland costs $800 - $1000, to Bangor costs $900 - $1130, to South Portland costs $800 - $1010, to Biddeford costs $820 - $1030, to Sanford costs $840 - $1050, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Auburn to Portland
Moving from Auburn to Lewiston
Moving from Auburn to Bangor
Moving from Auburn to South Portland
Moving from Auburn to Biddeford
Moving from Auburn to Sanford
Moving from Auburn to Saco
Moving from Auburn to Augusta
Moving from Auburn to Westbrook
Moving from Auburn to Waterville
Moving from Auburn to Brunswick