Top Rated Portsmouth Movers

Allen and Coles Moving Systems
(603) 382-9362
95 Plaistow Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865
Bradford Movers
(978) 374-7101
170 Washington St, Haverhill, MA 01832
Ferrick Bros Moving Co
(978) 373-9575
191 Merrimack St, Haverhill, MA 01835
Rosengard Moving Systems
(978) 373-6272
177 Ferry Rd, Haverhill, MA 01835
Bradford Movers
(603) 362-4380
10 Cogswell Ln, Atkinson, NH 03811
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Portsmouth to other cities in New Hampshire:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Manchester41$780 - $980
Nashua48$790 - $1000
Concord46$790 - $990
Dover12$740 - $930
Rochester22$760 - $950
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How much do movers in Portsmouth charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Manchester costs $780 - $980, to Nashua costs $790 - $1000, to Concord costs $790 - $990, to Dover costs $740 - $930, to Rochester costs $760 - $950, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Portsmouth to Manchester
Moving from Portsmouth to Nashua
Moving from Portsmouth to Concord
Moving from Portsmouth to Dover
Moving from Portsmouth to Rochester
Moving from Portsmouth to Keene
Moving from Portsmouth to Derry
Moving from Portsmouth to Laconia
Moving from Portsmouth to Lebanon
Moving from Portsmouth to Claremont
Moving from Portsmouth to Somersworth
Moving from Portsmouth to Londonderry
Moving from Portsmouth to Durham