Top Rated Santa Fe Movers

Santa Fe Storage & Transfer Co
(505) 471-3434
1259 Siler Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Lets Move it USA
(505) 660-9966
1241 Calle de Comercio, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Big Tree Movers
(505) 984-2888
29 Old Arroyo Chamiso, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Wilson Transfer & Storage
(505) 471-6611
1201 Siler Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Mountain Moving & Storage
(505) 471-9000
9 Crouch Ct, Santa Fe, NM 87507
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Santa Fe to other cities in New Mexico:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Albuquerque64$820 - $1020
Las Cruces273$1160 - $1460
Rio Rancho59$810 - $1020
Roswell204$1030 - $1290
Farmington168$980 - $1230
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How much do movers in Santa Fe charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Albuquerque costs $820 - $1020, to Las Cruces costs $1160 - $1460, to Rio Rancho costs $810 - $1020, to Roswell costs $1030 - $1290, to Farmington costs $980 - $1230, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Santa Fe to Albuquerque
Moving from Santa Fe to Las Cruces
Moving from Santa Fe to Rio Rancho
Moving from Santa Fe to Roswell
Moving from Santa Fe to Farmington
Moving from Santa Fe to South Valley
Moving from Santa Fe to Clovis
Moving from Santa Fe to Hobbs
Moving from Santa Fe to Alamogordo
Moving from Santa Fe to Carlsbad
Moving from Santa Fe to Gallup
Moving from Santa Fe to Los Lunas
Moving from Santa Fe to Sunland Park
Moving from Santa Fe to Deming
Moving from Santa Fe to Las Vegas
Moving from Santa Fe to Chaparral
Moving from Santa Fe to Portales
Moving from Santa Fe to Los Alamos
Moving from Santa Fe to Artesia
Moving from Santa Fe to Lovington
Moving from Santa Fe to North Valley
Moving from Santa Fe to Silver City
Moving from Santa Fe to Espanola