Top Rated Coventry Movers

Cunha Trucking & Moving
(401) 438-6585
55 Amaral St, Riverside, RI 02915
U-Haul Co
(401) 724-8573
125 Newell Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Providence Pack and Ship
(401) 273-7225
754 N Main St, Providence, RI 02904
Economy Movers & Storage
(401) 467-3525
530 Wellington Ave, Cranston, RI 02910
Coutu Brothers Movers
(401) 739-7788
133 Central St Ste 2, Warwick, RI 02886
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Coventry to other cities in Rhode Island:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Providence14$750 - $940
Warwick9$740 - $930
Cranston10$740 - $930
Pawtucket19$750 - $950
East Providence15$750 - $940
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How much do movers in Coventry charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Providence costs $750 - $940, to Warwick costs $740 - $930, to Cranston costs $740 - $930, to Pawtucket costs $750 - $950, to East Providence costs $750 - $940, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Coventry to Providence
Moving from Coventry to Warwick
Moving from Coventry to Cranston
Moving from Coventry to Pawtucket
Moving from Coventry to East Providence
Moving from Coventry to Woonsocket
Moving from Coventry to Cumberland
Moving from Coventry to North Providence
Moving from Coventry to Newport
Moving from Coventry to Central Falls
Moving from Coventry to Westerly
Moving from Coventry to Valley Falls
Moving from Coventry to Newport East