Top Rated Rapid City Movers

North Western Warehouse Co
(605) 342-1460
417 Pine St, Rapid City, SD 57701
U-Haul Co
(605) 343-0467
3 Main St, Rapid City, SD 57701
(605) 343-3147
PO Box 347, Rapid City, SD 57709
Mountain Movers Construction
(605) 341-1966
615 Kansas City St Ste 2, Rapid City, SD 57701
World Class Movers
(605) 341-6290
1876 Lombardy Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Rapid City to other cities in South Dakota:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Sioux Falls375$1320 - $1660
Aberdeen289$1190 - $1490
Brookings367$1310 - $1640
Watertown353$1290 - $1620
Mitchell299$1200 - $1510
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How much do movers in Rapid City charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Sioux Falls costs $1320 - $1660, to Aberdeen costs $1190 - $1490, to Brookings costs $1310 - $1640, to Watertown costs $1290 - $1620, to Mitchell costs $1200 - $1510, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Rapid City to Sioux Falls
Moving from Rapid City to Aberdeen
Moving from Rapid City to Brookings
Moving from Rapid City to Watertown
Moving from Rapid City to Mitchell
Moving from Rapid City to Yankton
Moving from Rapid City to Pierre
Moving from Rapid City to Huron
Moving from Rapid City to Spearfish
Moving from Rapid City to Vermillion