Top Rated Midvale Movers

Fast Movers
(801) 281-3200
3641 S 700 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Cargo-Link International
(801) 975-9336
881 S 3760 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Wells Robert E House Movers Inc
(801) 255-2407
1369 W 7900 S, West Jordan, UT 84088
Mergenthaler Transfer & Storage
(801) 975-1287
2875 S 1030 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84119
A-1 Pioneer Moving-Trailer
(801) 328-4588
2112 N Warm Springs Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Midvale to other cities in Utah:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Salt Lake City12$740 - $930
West Valley City9$740 - $930
Provo33$770 - $970
Orem28$770 - $960
Ogden49$800 - $1000
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How much do movers in Midvale charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Salt Lake City costs $740 - $930, to West Valley City costs $740 - $930, to Provo costs $770 - $970, to Orem costs $770 - $960, to Ogden costs $800 - $1000, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Midvale to Salt Lake City
Moving from Midvale to West Valley City
Moving from Midvale to Provo
Moving from Midvale to West Jordan
Moving from Midvale to Orem
Moving from Midvale to Sandy
Moving from Midvale to Ogden
Moving from Midvale to St George
Moving from Midvale to Layton
Moving from Midvale to Taylorsville
Moving from Midvale to Millcreek
Moving from Midvale to South Jordan
Moving from Midvale to Lehi
Moving from Midvale to Logan
Moving from Midvale to Murray
Moving from Midvale to Draper
Moving from Midvale to Bountiful
Moving from Midvale to Riverton
Moving from Midvale to Roy
Moving from Midvale to Spanish Fork
Moving from Midvale to Kearns
Moving from Midvale to Pleasant Grove
Moving from Midvale to Cottonwood Heights
Moving from Midvale to Tooele
Moving from Midvale to Springville
Moving from Midvale to Holladay
Moving from Midvale to Clearfield
Moving from Midvale to Cedar City
Moving from Midvale to Kaysville
Moving from Midvale to American Fork
Moving from Midvale to Magna
Moving from Midvale to Herriman
Moving from Midvale to Syracuse
Moving from Midvale to Eagle Mountain
Moving from Midvale to South Salt Lake
Moving from Midvale to Saratoga Springs
Moving from Midvale to Washington
Moving from Midvale to Farmington
Moving from Midvale to Clinton
Moving from Midvale to Payson
Moving from Midvale to Brigham City
Moving from Midvale to North Salt Lake
Moving from Midvale to North Ogden
Moving from Midvale to Highland
Moving from Midvale to South Ogden
Moving from Midvale to Centerville
Moving from Midvale to Hurricane
Moving from Midvale to Heber
Moving from Midvale to West Haven
Moving from Midvale to Woods Cross
Moving from Midvale to Lindon
Moving from Midvale to Smithfield
Moving from Midvale to Vernal
Moving from Midvale to Cedar Hills
Moving from Midvale to Santaquin