Top Rated Martinsburg Movers

Green Movers
(301) 242-5303
5734 Buckeystown Pike, Frederick, MD 21704
(540) 738-0088
111 Denny Ln, Winchester, VA 22603
Affordable Movers
(540) 974-3249
110 Featherbed Ln Ste 7, Winchester, VA 22601
Movers Frederick MD
(301) 744-7147
279 E Church St, Frederick, MD 21701
Above & Beyond Movers
(301) 665-1566
12303 W Lawn Ln, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Martinsburg to other cities in West Virginia:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Charleston243$1090 - $1370
Huntington289$1190 - $1490
Parkersburg222$1060 - $1330
Morgantown123$910 - $1140
Wheeling175$990 - $1240
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How much do movers in Martinsburg charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Charleston costs $1090 - $1370, to Huntington costs $1190 - $1490, to Parkersburg costs $1060 - $1330, to Morgantown costs $910 - $1140, to Wheeling costs $990 - $1240, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Martinsburg to Charleston
Moving from Martinsburg to Huntington
Moving from Martinsburg to Parkersburg
Moving from Martinsburg to Morgantown
Moving from Martinsburg to Wheeling
Moving from Martinsburg to Weirton
Moving from Martinsburg to Fairmont
Moving from Martinsburg to Beckley
Moving from Martinsburg to Clarksburg
Moving from Martinsburg to Teays Valley
Moving from Martinsburg to South Charleston
Moving from Martinsburg to St Albans
Moving from Martinsburg to Vienna
Moving from Martinsburg to Cross Lanes
Moving from Martinsburg to Bluefield